Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hundreds of Rocks

We like to take John and Joseph to the River in our town. I put Joseph in the Baby Bjorn and he falls asleep, so I can climb and hike and play with John. John LOVES going to the river because he gets to throw rocks into it. That's his favorite thing to do - throw rocks into the water. He has become quite the thrower: overhand, underhand, side-arm, even backward. He picks up rocks and throws them non-stop for hours. Literally. He is addicted. He is starting (at his ripe old age) to even hit targets. He loves the sound of the rock hitting the water. The sound differs according to all sorts of variables: size of rock, shape of rock, how it is thrown (overhand, underhand, etc.), how high or how low it is thrown, how close John stands to the water. All sorts of things to look and listen for. John is trying to keep up with his hero - his dad. Daddy can throw rocks of any size into the water and the noise is so loud. Daddy can throw lots of rocks at one time, with one hand, into the water, so it looks and sounds as if it is raining rocks. John tries and tries to do that, and is pretty close to doing it! My husband and I are betting he could throw at least a thousand rocks in one trip to the river. Next time we go for a rock throwing expedition, we will not be limited or stunted by the clock or by Joseph and the bitter cold weather. No, John will get to throw rocks to his heart's content, for as long as he wants. It'll be interesting to see exactly how obsessed he is.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet post. There you go again, delighting in your children, and making the rest of us look bad! (:
