Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mommy, I have a fever...I need to watch "Caillou"

This has been a cold snowy icy winter. And I have become a robot parent. I now let my boys watch TV. Lots. Not so much for Joseph, but for John. During his baby-hood, John watched no TV. Not necessary. Too many things to do! But when Joseph was born, 2 1/2 year-old John needed something (read: "I needed something for John...) to do while I nursed and put down for a nap. I needed John to be quiet while Joseph napped. I needed John NOT to climb the mantle or piano while I nursed baby Joseph. So, I popped in a DVD of Bob the Builder our neighbors gave us. I popped in "John Denver & the Muppets Christmas Together". I popped in "Finding Nemo" and "Toy Story". These 4 DVDs were the mainstay of John's life for a good 13 months.

Then, we found "Caillou" On Demand. We accidentally found him, and he instantly became John's best friend. Then, my husband rented a Winnie The Pooh DVD. Winnie became John's new best friend. John now only watches Caillou or Winnie. No more Bob the Builder (thankfully), no more John Denver (rats!), Nemo is fine in a pinch, and Toy Story 2 and 3 are not even considered. Buzz and Woody are on the back burners. Fine with me, actually. They are a bit too worldly.

John only wants to watch Caillou and Winnie (and his pals from the 100-Acre-Wood). I'm okay with this. The lessons offered are lovely. I wish there was a real Caillou to be John's friend, because he needs a good friend. He needs a boy to play with (other than our squishy little baby Joey), to run with, to accidentally hurt and be sorry with, to forgive, to wrestle and race with. Winnie and Christopher Robin and Piglet and Eyeore and Tigger and Roo teach John how to be nice and gentle and fun and laughing. These are all good friends for my boys.

I wish these sweet TV/DVD characters were real for my boys. They need (they deserve) nice, fun-loving friends to play with. I need them to have kind responsible friends to play with. I can only teach them so much. John is learning lovely life-lessons from Caillou and Winnie and Piglet and Christopher Robin. I just wish they would be active with John and Joseph. Imaginary play is so important. Creative story-telling and make-believe are priceless.

Holding hands and skipping and jumping in puddles are priceless too. And real. I want "REAL" for my boys, to balance their make-believe. Is there anyone out there who has a 3 3/4 year-old boy and a 15 month-old boy to play with mine?


  1. Shoot, girl! My son will be 3 at the end of April, too! And my youngest boy is 13 months old!!!! And Henry, my almost 3 year old, ADORES Caillou. He also talks about Caillou as if they are "real" friends. It's both sweet and sad. I never let Henry watch TV, either, until Eddie came along and for ALL the same reasons you mentioned...needing to distract him while I nursed or needed to put the baby down for a nap or give a bath or change a diaper or . . .Henry has also recently discovered Olivia (the precocious pig...) and he loves her, but not like Caillou. Wish we lived in the same city! Our boys are custom-made for each other!

  2. How lovely that you posted - I've been missing you!

    My Matthew (6) still loves Caillou (though personally I find him a bit on the whiny side!).

    Ah, I wish we lived closer - even if our kids aren't the same age, I'd love to have a cup of tea with you and get to know you a bit. And I'm sure our three boys would get along just fine, despite age differences.

    Great to see your post!!! BLessings,


  3. Those shows are very dear to me too. Life savers, especially when I'm trying to make dinner and everyone's grumpy.

    I've got the kids to play with your boys, plus the proximity. Let's do a play date!

    In case you're worried about real friends for John, I wouldn't. It seems like T is still trying to figure out the friend thing. 4 to 4 1/2 seemed to be a magic age for L on that one.... She's just embracing it now.
